
måndag 2 april 2012


I have talked to Mio on Skype today. We talked for about an hour !

Tomorrow Mio and I probably have a coffe. We'll see about that~

A new pic on me!

måndag 26 mars 2012

Stockholm and three girls !

I'm soo tired now after a long day in the city with Kia and Mia. We ate att McDonald's, looked at extecions to Mia and I bought two pairs of shoes on sale!  (^v^)
Also bought a present for a friend's birthday this weekend. So happy~

I'm really glad that I have Kia and Mia as my friends. They're nice, honest, caring, and are always there for one. I love them both so much(*^3^)/~☆


söndag 25 mars 2012

Lazy Sunday (T▽T)

I think that today is a slacker day, hehe I'm feeling soo lazy right now. I don't know what to do so this day I'll spend well by playing Brink, drinking some Café au lait and watching anime!

Hope you all had a great weekend~ ∩( ・ω・)∩

lördag 24 mars 2012

Todays shopping, online and irl !

Today me, my sister Elenur and her friend Elin made a big order on!
My sister ordered some really cute new green lenses with a hint of blue. Elin ordered a pair of pink lenses that I think will fit good with her blue eyes. I did order a pair of brown lenses. I'm too lazy to write all the names of them xD

I also went with my mom to a Swedish retail chain named Rusta. We did some shoppng there and I got a new bodylotion, pink curlers, candy and shaving foam for legs. We did buy other things too but I don't remember them now.

Here is a pic of me after the shopping haha!