
måndag 26 mars 2012

Stockholm and three girls !

I'm soo tired now after a long day in the city with Kia and Mia. We ate att McDonald's, looked at extecions to Mia and I bought two pairs of shoes on sale!  (^v^)
Also bought a present for a friend's birthday this weekend. So happy~

I'm really glad that I have Kia and Mia as my friends. They're nice, honest, caring, and are always there for one. I love them both so much(*^3^)/~☆


söndag 25 mars 2012

Lazy Sunday (T▽T)

I think that today is a slacker day, hehe I'm feeling soo lazy right now. I don't know what to do so this day I'll spend well by playing Brink, drinking some Café au lait and watching anime!

Hope you all had a great weekend~ ∩( ・ω・)∩

lördag 24 mars 2012

Todays shopping, online and irl !

Today me, my sister Elenur and her friend Elin made a big order on!
My sister ordered some really cute new green lenses with a hint of blue. Elin ordered a pair of pink lenses that I think will fit good with her blue eyes. I did order a pair of brown lenses. I'm too lazy to write all the names of them xD

I also went with my mom to a Swedish retail chain named Rusta. We did some shoppng there and I got a new bodylotion, pink curlers, candy and shaving foam for legs. We did buy other things too but I don't remember them now.

Here is a pic of me after the shopping haha!

fredag 23 mars 2012

To my friend.. ~

Mio - A sweet girl, with a cute blog!
She's so nice and you all should really check her blog out! (   ~ ^  ,^) ~

New pics~



IT'S FRIDAY, FRIDAY~ You know the rest!

Oh em gee, people, earlyer today on my way home the most wierdest thing ever just.. I don't know what to say, I just have to tell you guys!

A man played violin on the train and when he had played he wanted some money for it. In front of me there sat an older lady reading the papers. When the man who played violin walked buy asking for money she shouted:
"Stop begging for money!"

The man just walked by. I was so shocked by how rude she was! I couldn't stop looking at her with high brows. It took a while before the lady noticed my eyes and how I looked at her. She shouted to me:
"What's wrong with you? Stop staring at me!"

The she changed seat and everything where back to normal.

I don't know what to say, she was really wierd hahaha! xD Gosh, I whant to be crazy like her when I'm old!

Please, forgive me and my bad English. I know that it sucks but I'm really trying to do my best here..

tisdag 20 mars 2012



It was like 1000 years ago I blogged, well, almost a year ago!
Now I'm back to stay because I really missed this thing with blogging. I'm taking up teh Gyaru-style again.

Oh I hope all my followers haven't left me.